divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Let's celebrate Shakespeare!

In Cicle Superior we are preparing some short stories to celebrate the Shakespeare's contest.

Here you have a bunch of different resources about Shakespeare, so you can find about him, play with him and celebrate him!!

2. Watch scenes from his famous plays: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, The Tempest...
3. Watch an interactive video of a tour guide from The Globe Theatre, where Shakespeare were once       perfomed.
4. Take a video tour around the places Shakesperare lived and visited in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Enjoy Shakespeare!!

dijous, 7 de gener del 2016

Let's start with the S.A.R. activities!

Welcome back to the English lessons. This term we are going to star using the S.A.R. room to do self-access activities, so you can learn on your own and at your rhythm. There are 5 different learning corners where you can practice different habilities. Let's begin!!

1. Library. Read and listen at the same time. Then complete the activities related to the book
2. Vocabulary. Practice different vocabulary. Choose the one according to your level. 
3. Writing
4. Computers. Practice the class Units contents with the interactive activities. Review other topics too.
5. Listening. Listen to the songs and rhymes and complete the related activity.